Tuesday, May 17, 2011

New beginnings

I haven't had the chance to really sit down and write for a while, nor have I remembered to update this in a long time. It might take me a little while to get into the flow of blogging/writing again, seeing as I haven't written in a journal practically nightly ever since I got married.

My sweet little guy came into the world February 23rd, at 4:12 p.m, after a very unsuccessful induction(never going that route again!) that paved the way for a C section. Anyway, Micah is almost 3 months old now, and I am always thanking God for him, always in awe of how natural it feels to hold him in my arms. He is a beautiful, wonderful blessing who is growing every day, and developing new skills every month. The first few weeks, as pretty much any mother would agree with me, were the hardest. I had never done any of this before- I didn't know how often to burp a baby, how to tell what he needed, or what to do when I was exhausted at 3 a.m. but had to feed him for half an hour anyway. I didn't know how to hold him in a position that would be comfortable for both of us ( picture my elbows pointing straight to the sides!), especially with my C section scar tissue/incision healing up. But with patience, time, prayer, and a whole lot of help (I am thoroughly convinced that I couldn't have done better in choosing a husband that would be the most helpful dad!!), everything got easier. Micah and I got to know each other. Our family of two happily expanded to three. Having a little man around became the new normal, and now I couldn't imagine life without him.

But you know what has started bugging me lately? Well-meaning people saying things like " enjoy him at this age; it won't last long! Babies grow up too fast." Like somehow it's just going to get worse from here. My mother always taught me that every age was to be treasured and enjoyed in children- yes, even "terrible twos." She taught me that though there would be challenges for every stage, there are also built-in delights. So even though now he sometimes stays up later than we'd like, or unexpectedly wakes up at 4 a.m, when he smiles and squeals it makes everything worthwhile!!