Thursday, August 19, 2010

First day of 2nd Trimester!

I am offically 1/3 of the way through the pregnancy! I've been feeling somewhat better lately. I definitely don't feel nauseous as much anymore, though I'll still get tired a bit more easily. I went to see my doctor last friday (when mom and Julia came down for a few days and cooked/cleaned/made my weekend awesome) and got to hear my baby's heartbeat for the second time! She was having trouble getting the baby to be still enough to listen to it- it kept swimming away! I'll take that as a good sign of a healthy baby! For most of my first trimester, I was hoping it was a girl... but now I really don't care. I know I'm already in love with this baby- I don't care what gender it is or how it looks! Which is not to say I'm not excited about finding out, which we'll get to do September 24th (assuming the baby cooperates!). I already find myself singing to it when I'm in the car. Sometimes I imagine future life with my baby- holding it, reassuring it, teaching it (and learning from it!), hugging it, throwing birthday parties, going to games or recitals, everything! I'm ready for the day when I can stop calling the baby "it." We have all sorts of names picked out for a boy or girl! Enough blogging for now- time to go feed this baby!

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