Tuesday, July 27, 2010

week 10 (almost 11)

There will always be an endless to-do list in my head, no matter how much gets done. Laundry is never over. There will always be another work shift to look forward to. I'm feeling a little stressed lately- due in part to the fact I'm still getting used to living away from home, being newly married, and being pregnant all at once. Not that any of those are bad things- being married and pregnant have always been dreams of mine. Of course, I miss my family. Especially my brother. Especially when we would try to make each other laugh- and succeed-all the time. He's always had this way of saying the right thing at the perfect time to make me almost choke on whatever I had to eat...or drink. We've always been so close-but now I haven't talked to him... or seen him... in almost 2 months. They just moved back to Florida, which makes the first time they've all moved without me (except mom and dad, of course). I feel so horrible that I haven't kept in very good contact with a lot of people since getting married/pregnant.

I've had a lot of cases of hiccups lately. You still can't really tell I'm pregnant (unless you happen to be my loving and caring husband who listens to me vomit on a daily basis). I'm almost certain I've lost weight- due to my lack of appetite, my new habit of puking up the first thing I eat every morning, and the fact that my clothes still fit fine. I haven't really craved anything. Unless you count the sort of cravings I've always had- pizza for a whole week... salad with italian dressing... mexican food(totally normal for me!!). According to all the books and web sites, the biggest thing that has happened recently is that the baby (or alien looking gummy bear frog) is swimming, drinking, and will shortly officially be in its biggest growing stage- A FETUS. Which means the most critical period of any given pregnancy will be over, it'll start resembling a human, and I'll be able to feel it move! I've also heard the second trimester is a time when most pregnant moms stop feeling so sick and tired all the time. Of course, everyone says they went through different things: "I was hugging the toilet bowl for 8 months!"; " I never got sick."; " Oh, if you're nauseous all the time, that means its a girl." o_O (in case you can' tell, this is my "HUH??" face). I've been hoping and praying and wishing I'll be able to wake up in the morning and go about my life without having to make sure I'm in close proximity of a trash can or toilet for the first 3 hours I'm awake. What's weird is that it has to do with being hungry- REALLY hungry! The hungrier I get, the sicker I feel. So when I eat my first whatever it is... yeah. It doesn't work so well. Fortunately, I make up for it by grazing on good stuff the rest of the day. I just stocked up on organic fruit, popsicles, soup, and other snack foods... so hopefully that'll help.
This blog has been more of a ranting session than an informative thing... hopefully it will still be read.

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