Wednesday, June 29, 2011


So I'm in church with the little one tonight, just holding him and trying to make him as comfy as possible (he had shots today =[ ), and he lets out a noisy "eruption," shall I say. So I quickly go back to the nursery to change him... and lo and behold... he was wearing the last diaper we had with us (and it looked like it was covered in nutella, to put it nicely). After nearly bursting into tears, I realized I had both a spare outfit and a nursing cover in the diaper bag. I fold the outfit up into thirds, slide that under him, and fold my nursing cover around him. Half of me felt kind of proud of myself for thinking fast like that (even though it started soaking through pretty quickly anyway) and the other half just wanted to go crawl in bed, throw the covers over my head and bawl. Ever had one of those days?
But in the end, it worked out okay. Even though my husband had to wait until the end of the service to go pick up diapers real quick, I got to hold my son and watch him sleep (even if my lap ended up a bit damp!). Every day I am amazed at how quickly he's learning and growing! The doctor said he's 14 lb s, 12 oz, and 25 in. long!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

A third of a year

I can't believe little colonel spitz is almost 4 months old! Every day I see more of his personality (and more drool!). Here's the latest on the colonel- he is very "talkative," making squeal-y noises and little 'ah-goo"s often. He has discovered his feet, and often grabs at them in his spare time. When he's on the floor on his play mat on his back, he rolls over onto his stomach (generally without fail) and immediately fusses (for some reason he's never liked being on his stomach). Whenever the t.v. is on, he watches, which makes me feel bad for watching t.v. I don't want my son to become a television-obsessed couch potato by the time he's 2! Of course, I don't mind it so much if it's the G.K. Chesterton show or any of the numerous baseball games/horse races/underwater basket weavings my husband likes to watch. Baby thought of the day: My son seems to prefer cold formula. I wonder if that's weird/unheard of.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

New beginnings

I haven't had the chance to really sit down and write for a while, nor have I remembered to update this in a long time. It might take me a little while to get into the flow of blogging/writing again, seeing as I haven't written in a journal practically nightly ever since I got married.

My sweet little guy came into the world February 23rd, at 4:12 p.m, after a very unsuccessful induction(never going that route again!) that paved the way for a C section. Anyway, Micah is almost 3 months old now, and I am always thanking God for him, always in awe of how natural it feels to hold him in my arms. He is a beautiful, wonderful blessing who is growing every day, and developing new skills every month. The first few weeks, as pretty much any mother would agree with me, were the hardest. I had never done any of this before- I didn't know how often to burp a baby, how to tell what he needed, or what to do when I was exhausted at 3 a.m. but had to feed him for half an hour anyway. I didn't know how to hold him in a position that would be comfortable for both of us ( picture my elbows pointing straight to the sides!), especially with my C section scar tissue/incision healing up. But with patience, time, prayer, and a whole lot of help (I am thoroughly convinced that I couldn't have done better in choosing a husband that would be the most helpful dad!!), everything got easier. Micah and I got to know each other. Our family of two happily expanded to three. Having a little man around became the new normal, and now I couldn't imagine life without him.

But you know what has started bugging me lately? Well-meaning people saying things like " enjoy him at this age; it won't last long! Babies grow up too fast." Like somehow it's just going to get worse from here. My mother always taught me that every age was to be treasured and enjoyed in children- yes, even "terrible twos." She taught me that though there would be challenges for every stage, there are also built-in delights. So even though now he sometimes stays up later than we'd like, or unexpectedly wakes up at 4 a.m, when he smiles and squeals it makes everything worthwhile!!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Third Trimester!

I know I haven't written on here in a while, but with my second trimester came peace and happiness and a very big appetite. Here are a few quick updates in list form, because it's my preferred method.
-It's a boy!!!
-We're naming him Micah (not certain of the middle name yet)
-I have felt him kick, squirm, and hiccup (he does this at least once every other day.. as for the kicking, he does that whenever he feels like it!)- you can even see it from the outside most of the time if you're watching my tummy!
- I haven't had any real super cravings. I just have a large appetite (but I don't eat all the time or anything, especially because my stomach is shrinking and it's easier to fill up).
-This has been a very healthy and blessed pregnancy- I haven't had any real problems.
- I'm working through Christmas, and after that I will cut my hours significantly until after I have the baby.
- Work is going really well- it's my favorite job I've ever had, and I feel like they really do care about me there. It's getting really busy because of Christmas, but it hasn't been too hard.
- I couldn't be more excited!!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

First day of 2nd Trimester!

I am offically 1/3 of the way through the pregnancy! I've been feeling somewhat better lately. I definitely don't feel nauseous as much anymore, though I'll still get tired a bit more easily. I went to see my doctor last friday (when mom and Julia came down for a few days and cooked/cleaned/made my weekend awesome) and got to hear my baby's heartbeat for the second time! She was having trouble getting the baby to be still enough to listen to it- it kept swimming away! I'll take that as a good sign of a healthy baby! For most of my first trimester, I was hoping it was a girl... but now I really don't care. I know I'm already in love with this baby- I don't care what gender it is or how it looks! Which is not to say I'm not excited about finding out, which we'll get to do September 24th (assuming the baby cooperates!). I already find myself singing to it when I'm in the car. Sometimes I imagine future life with my baby- holding it, reassuring it, teaching it (and learning from it!), hugging it, throwing birthday parties, going to games or recitals, everything! I'm ready for the day when I can stop calling the baby "it." We have all sorts of names picked out for a boy or girl! Enough blogging for now- time to go feed this baby!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

almost 3 months!!

The morning sickness seems to finally be over! Except for a few smells that make me kinda nauseous, I seem to be fairly back to normal (at least appetite wise). I'm more excited now than I've ever been about this baby, even though it still seems so surreal. I'm looking forward to my second trimester (only about a week away!) and what it will bring, including actually looking pregnant, feeling the baby move, and hopefully getting to know the gender of the baby!
I'm more emotional than ever, but it's not bad... I just cry at some things I don't normally cry over.
I started taking gummy prenatal vitamins! Now I can actually look forward to this daily chore. Speaking of chores, I'm still working at Kohls. It's a pretty good place to work, and they treat me pretty well there. Pay isn't anything special, but it's good for a little extra dough for things like groceries and eating at Olive Garden occasionally. I will work there at Kohls as long as I'm able to while being pregnant (hoping for no bed rest...).
Cravings? Yeah, I've had a few. No powerful ones, but I've been wanting cheeseburgers, turkey & dressing, and tex mex food the most. As for aversions... oddly enough, I cannot stand the thought of pickles, lime flavored chips, or frozen enchiladas.
That's all for tonight, I guess. I'm scheduled for a ton of early work shifts in the next few weeks! Good thing morning sickness seems to have left the building!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

week 10 (almost 11)

There will always be an endless to-do list in my head, no matter how much gets done. Laundry is never over. There will always be another work shift to look forward to. I'm feeling a little stressed lately- due in part to the fact I'm still getting used to living away from home, being newly married, and being pregnant all at once. Not that any of those are bad things- being married and pregnant have always been dreams of mine. Of course, I miss my family. Especially my brother. Especially when we would try to make each other laugh- and succeed-all the time. He's always had this way of saying the right thing at the perfect time to make me almost choke on whatever I had to eat...or drink. We've always been so close-but now I haven't talked to him... or seen him... in almost 2 months. They just moved back to Florida, which makes the first time they've all moved without me (except mom and dad, of course). I feel so horrible that I haven't kept in very good contact with a lot of people since getting married/pregnant.

I've had a lot of cases of hiccups lately. You still can't really tell I'm pregnant (unless you happen to be my loving and caring husband who listens to me vomit on a daily basis). I'm almost certain I've lost weight- due to my lack of appetite, my new habit of puking up the first thing I eat every morning, and the fact that my clothes still fit fine. I haven't really craved anything. Unless you count the sort of cravings I've always had- pizza for a whole week... salad with italian dressing... mexican food(totally normal for me!!). According to all the books and web sites, the biggest thing that has happened recently is that the baby (or alien looking gummy bear frog) is swimming, drinking, and will shortly officially be in its biggest growing stage- A FETUS. Which means the most critical period of any given pregnancy will be over, it'll start resembling a human, and I'll be able to feel it move! I've also heard the second trimester is a time when most pregnant moms stop feeling so sick and tired all the time. Of course, everyone says they went through different things: "I was hugging the toilet bowl for 8 months!"; " I never got sick."; " Oh, if you're nauseous all the time, that means its a girl." o_O (in case you can' tell, this is my "HUH??" face). I've been hoping and praying and wishing I'll be able to wake up in the morning and go about my life without having to make sure I'm in close proximity of a trash can or toilet for the first 3 hours I'm awake. What's weird is that it has to do with being hungry- REALLY hungry! The hungrier I get, the sicker I feel. So when I eat my first whatever it is... yeah. It doesn't work so well. Fortunately, I make up for it by grazing on good stuff the rest of the day. I just stocked up on organic fruit, popsicles, soup, and other snack foods... so hopefully that'll help.
This blog has been more of a ranting session than an informative thing... hopefully it will still be read.